On behalf of Alternative Universe, Khun Patavee Viranuvat - Managing Director, Khun Patcharawan Chamnankit - Brand Executive and Khun Rachaya Wattanasirichaigoon - Head of Design Department, has given Appreciation Certificates to representative of Satri Si Suriyothai School, Traditional Thai Music Band, Band Instructors, and Band members on December 18, 2019 at Satri Si Suriyothai School.
We hereby express our deepest appreciation of your support in the collaboration performance within our recent exhibition, "Another Side of Darkness" - Awakening Bangkok 2019, during 15-24 November 2019.
Slure Project, established as a prototype space for the creative community, has always been giving significance to youth, our future generation. It has been a great start in working together with local stakeholders. Any future opportunities to collaborate with your organization would be an honor.
